And as I taught Ceramics at summer camp again this year...
I thought again about what I could accomplish at home. I've done hand building in the past and I've been looking into firing in my backyard, but if I do a firing I want to have enough items made that it's not a waste of time.
I won't pay for an electric wheel, and I could have made a motorized wheel, or an American kick wheel with a gigantic concrete flywheel, but then I saw a potter, Joel Cherrico break the world record for the number of pots made in 1 hour at 159, and he did it using a Japanese Kerokuro! I figure if he could do that, I could make something on it, so I designed and made my own this summer, and I'm just now giving it the final touches.
And Now I have to remember how to throw...
NeW sPiN oN a kERokurO