And as I taught Ceramics at summer camp again this year… I thought again about what I could accomplish at home. I’ve done hand building in the past and I’ve been looking into firing in my backyard, but if I
StoP the MoTioN
I modified a Raspberry Pi mini-computer to create stop motion Films. This was an excellent graduate class project that is sure to come in handy in the classroom. It takes and stores images at the touch of a button. Mounted
I was recently reminded of these prints made a couple of years ago at a summer workshop. A friend I acquired on the trip is living the dream and setting up his own print shop. I love doing it but
a Day iN A liFe
A six-page comic about a typical day in my life… sorta. …and a comic based on a really short nursery rhyme… and how it came to be. 1. Carpe Diem 2. We eat therefore we are 3. Waddaya mean “Unlikely”…
DriFtwooD DayCamP
HeLping IN a PanDemiC
Since In early March with extra time on my hands I tried to think of what I could do to help in looming crises. Having seen an article about Owners of 3D printers making and donating much needed PPE, I
HyDroPoniCs InStrUCtabLes
Hey I just added puplished an “Instructables” Lesson based on my New Hydroponic Garden project. I’m Trying to Grow “Purple Cherokee” Tomatoes. They are native to the area, and can grow up to 9 Feet Tall. Check out the lesson
ThE BeST LIttlE PinHole CaMeRa EVeR! FuLL PlANs
The Best Little Pinhole Camera Ever! Download Plans Here. A few years after purchasing my first digital camera I began having technical problems with it and so looked for a replacement. After a little research, I realized that a
SomE CeRamics and sCulpTure
A few more ceramic pieces and clay sculptures. I’ve tried a few techniques but I especially like the alternative firings. Bowl and Pitcher For Susan Alternative Firings Sureal Tpot Slab Cylinder Vase with cutouts Slabs make a nice sparrow-saurus home.
JaCk O LanTerNs
When my daughter was young we used to have people over for Pumpkin Carving. Then one year the Nassau County Museum of Art scheduled a display and we went and volunteered to carve pumpkins for their exhibit. Some of our